Signal Processing / Acoustic Camera
The Signal Processing group researches and develops new algorithms as well as hardware and software solutions for multi-channel measuring systems. Our expertise includes the sample-synchronous acquisition, presentation and analysis of large data sets using high sampling frequencies and data transfer rates.
Areas of application are vibration analysis, noise reduction, sound design and quality assurance in the automotive industry, environmental technology in room acoustics and architectural acoustics. An outstanding result of our work is the invention and development of the first Acoustic Camera, a system to visualize sound source.
- Development of high-channel measuring systems
- Software development to display and analyze large amounts of data
- Development of new algorithms in signal processing
- Simulation and development of beamforming and holography systems (Acoustic Camera)
- Multi-channel intensity measurement technology
- Equipment for test rigs (aeroacoustic wind tunnel, engine test stand, test track) with high-channel measurement technology
Research Projects
Projects that have been completed can be found on the German subpage Signal Processing and Acoustic Camera.