IHK Training
A major challenge of our time is the structural change in industry, economy, and society. This is associated with a change in the required professions. There is a great demand for professions, some of which were not trained at all or only to an insufficient extent a few years ago. In contrast, entire occupational profiles will disappear from the market or will only be needed to a limited extent in the coming years.
In Germany, there are a large number of educational institutions that have made the retraining of professionals their business. The GFaI participates in this task in such a way that we provide internships to a certain extent, in which we train the retrainees in a practical and application-oriented way.
The GFaI also supports the retraining and further education in the direction of IT specialist for application development ("Fachinformatiker/in für Anwendungsentwicklung") with long-term internships. The GFaI has already successfully guided numerous retrainees from various educational institutions through the internship. The retrainees were each given a specialist topic from GFaI's research areas for their IHK examination and have so far been able to complete it very successfully.