3D Data Processing
The research group 3D Data Processing focuses on R&D projects and customized development for acquisition, modeling, analysis and visualization of 3D and 4D surface and volume data, targeting related software and system solutions. Usually, technical and algorithmic tools resulting from such work are interesting for many purposes and sectors. They are successfully applied for quality control tasks in industrial applications, building surveying, restauration and documentation, in medical, dental and orthopedic engineering, ceramic or apparel industry as well as in art and culture.
The group 3D Data Processing also organizes the annual GFaI workshop 3D-NordOst (3D-NorthEast).
- Non-contact (optical) 3D and 4D measurement
- Filtering and processing of 3D scan data
- Algorithm development and software engineering for scanning, modeling, analysis, visualization and documentation of 3D data
- Customized software tools for analysis and modification of 3D models
- Layout and realization of devices and systems aimed at non-contact 3D measurement and control tasks on the base of orders or licenses
- Customized 3D solutions
- Combined 2D and 3D techniques, cascaded 3D sensors, deformation analysis (4D), support tools for additive manufacturing (3D printing)
- Automated derivation of parametric information from large-scale 3D coordinate sets
- 3D measurement and digitization services, 3D modelling and 3D documentation
Research Projects
Projects that have been completed can be found on the German subpage 3D Data Processing.