Conditions of Participation
Thematic Focus
New, self-designed and developed work in computer science / computer technology with a clear orientation to concrete applications
Evaluation Criteria
- Originality
- Degree of innovation: the beginning of work must have started within the last 5 years
- Scientific and technical claim
- Focus on concrete application
- Supposed or realized practical benefit (including clarification and transparency of statements)
- Accuracy and design of the contribution
The award is open to persons living in Germany who have not yet completed their 35th year at the time of application. Participation can also take place as a team, on condition that terms above apply to all members of the team.
Form of submission
- by eMail (PDF)
- maximum 5 pages and attachments with a total maximum of 10 pages
- Required personal data are name, eMail, address and date of birth.
Award Ceremony
The award ceremony takes place on the first annual General Meeting of GFaI for the respective year.
All submitted papers are evaluated by GFaI's Research Advisory Board. The members of the Research Advisory Board elect a winner by simple majority.
The award is endowed with a prize money of 3.000 Euro.